I like how you combined the Sisyphus reference to the snowballing effect. That changes Everything!

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Thank you friend, for that observation. The intention / inspiration is to begin to shift perceptions so that people will become willing to look at the bitter truth about our world. It's not something that can be forced upon anyone. So thank you for recognizing this, it's part of the shift I already see happening, hence, the snowball rolling downhill.

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Excellent essay, thank you for all your efforts.

Soundtrack for this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlf_F1lVen0

Riding Shotgun Down the Avalanche.

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And thank you jax, for being a part of the the most important story ever, and for sharing the song! I hope everyone listens. There is a shift in the tide... slow, but there's no turning back now. The Truth is too powerful a force.

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