The Avalanche of Truth
It started as a snowball, being arduously rolled, inch by inch, over rough terrain. Up a steep mountainside, a few courageous warriors...weathered all storms.
Now with better than half of the world’s population engaged, it’s grown bigger than life and too loud to be ignored.
After cresting the snow capped summit, traveling at near maximum velocity on the downward slope, this larger than life, gargantuan snowball, will soon be an avalanche. It will be seen and felt by all.
Disclaimer: We can not be responsible for anyone who still pays attention to what is funneled through mainstream news. It’s all propaganda designed to manage perception and cue the mind for the desired response of fear and separation. This will only keep us divided.
With a decade of “disclosure” behind us, it’s apparent where disclosure is coming from. It will never come from the script writers of Agenda 21 or the power hungry war mongers who seek to destroy what they can’t control. They’ve gotten this far by weaponizing just about everything and when we understand and accept this, it’s like diffusing a bomb. It is no longer effective.
Let’s look at what we can all agree on and start calling out the criminals doing the crime. All together we can only rise with the Truth. Corporate and techno juggernauts are controlling the world. That’s no secret. It’s the big club and we ain’t in it. It’s being exposed to the very core so we can stop pretending there’s nothing we can do with the almighty powerful Oz. It took just one little doggie to pull back that curtain, which tells us something very important. The illusion of omnipotent Oz, is nothing of what it appears to be.
Sequential thoughts become a cascade of revelations and everything fits together, with nothing left over. Disturbing as this realization is, nothing will ever be more significantly important for the entire Human race. Liberation is our destiny, we were designed for this revolution in consciousness. To claim victory, it is required we become objectively aligned with reality.
As an increasing number of people witness the medical fraud taking place through the events unfolding daily, a greater awareness grows in the public domain. This forces the collective understanding to change, whereas resistance is futile. The biggest story worldwide will be the one catalyst that brings all people together as one. It will reveal what’s been known for some time, who the common enemy is to Humankind. It will reveal it in ways unmistakable, placing Truth in the realm of acceptable. Finally. Finally. Once and for ALL.
Covid-19 will be remembered one day as the largest human experiment to ever be carried out on an unsuspecting civilization. It began with offering only one form of treatment. The experimental biological agents that deliver lipid nano particles through a coerced injection campaign ~ worldwide, were designed as a countermeasure to the virus. It travels quickly throughout the body, depositing the replicating spike proteins along the way. They were known to be harmful from the onset as information based on Pfizer’s own clinical data has proven. Autopsies of the dead are ironclad evidence of this. It’s no wonder the masterminds behind this ongoing attack put so much effort into fueling the information war. It’s our very own government promoting propaganda, and doing unscrupulous things to silence the Truth. It is absolutely diabolical ~ to put it mildly and people need to wake up quickly if they haven’t already.
There has always been a safe and effective protocol to treat covid, as well as clear and concise markers for prevention and cure. All existing therapies and reclassified drugs remain the treatments used by many doctors worldwide. Lives were certainly saved, but sadly, half of the people that died in the pandemic, died needlessly. This is going to be proven in Nuremburg style, but not while people are still believing the lies. It’s far better to settle with Truth as best as one can. The Truth will make us Free, and yes, it will unify us.
There’s no simpler way to say this now, except directly, perhaps curt and to the point. There’s no sense in sugar coating it because it’s such a bitter pill and the hardest one to swallow. Everyone must, at some point do this, or suffer a greater consequence by knowingly supporting the enemy and prolonging the war.
Such shifts in perception are naturally necessary and so this is happening. This is resulting in more and more people seeing the evidence of harm, sometimes unfortunately, because they or a loved one has firsthand experience of what the covid shots did to them, their child, beloved family member or friend. Everybody by now, knows somebody in this way. I should also hope that those who have had repeated “breakthrough infections”, long covid, or some other illness arise, start to question it all. This is the war against the Human and we are on one side or the other.
The town where I live, Haywood County, held a local commissioners meeting on Monday, Feb. 6. The public was invited to openly voice their opinion about the govt. funding available for the local injection campaign. Stop vaXine hesitancy, that’s the plan, all across America. The government wants the health departments in all local communities across the US, to push more propaganda and “remove obstacles” which means censoring all opposition while ignoring and mocking the injured. A local independent newspaper was a good example of this in the political bias reporting of the event. Politicizing a health crisis caused by medical fraud as a means of deflection is the most unproductive reporting and is actually harmful. This has become absurd.
It’s hard to believe after two years they are still calling it a vaXine program. We are fortunate to live in a community that will hear both sides of an agenda as important as this one. Our elected officials seek to do their best in serving the interests of all people in their jurisdiction. What I took away from this has supported my ultimate goal; to galvanize everyone in the community with the common goal of understanding more fully, what this global health event has been about. It has been many things actually, most all of which are so far removed from the stated reasons that are coming from top-down leadership. It’s not leadership, it’s control. Top. Down. Control. Stacking. Functions.
In order to keep this short however, the “stacked functions” in this global health crisis will be explored later. The term comes from Catherine Austin Fitts, who has remained an important influence in moving Truth forward. Recognized by many as one of the original founders of what I now call the snowball brigade, her firsthand, experiential knowledge of the financial world and central banks, clearly exposes the financial coup that has been taking place for decades in the US.
The plan of the central banks has been known by a small number of people for many years.
Now we all know too. Bravo. That’s step one. Awareness is everything from this point on. Let it always be autonomous.
Long before the covid operation was launched to intentionally cripple the global economy, a sinister plan was stewing and all the world seemed normal. We don’t know what normal is any more, the sinister part ~ well that we do. Once you see it, it’s impossible to not see it.
Consider this 12 year old document that some may recognize as a globalist’s playbook. It is actually one of many. I was shown this clandestine plan for the world more than 50 years ago. It’s manifestations are like timeless tentacles and can be traced throughout history when we learn what we’ve been up against.
Looking back through time how all of this came to me has been intensely interesting. Especially now as it all comes together before everyone’s eyes, and by Divine Providence ~ here we all stand. Looking into the future of our world that we chose to cast evil out. That’s the world I saw. And I promised, they wouldn’t get away with the heist And I am seeing how it happens.
What do you suppose a 12 year old is supposed to do with all of that information, besides keep an ion things?
I made art with found objects. I fixed things. I watched, and I listened. I helped others help themselves. I paid little attention to the bigger material things beyond my control. I focused on the world around me to find creative ways to serve the greater good. Some of those things haven’t changed.
Looking at the world presently through the same lens I had from those early days, is not something I think anyone can truly understand. Only an empath could sense the nature of this translocational conscious awareness, and what to do with it. In the very least, it can’t be ignored, and at best can be used to serve, which is what most of us are in this world to do.
Be Love. Bring Light. Embrace Truth. That’s all we can and need to do in this dichotomous world where reality has crashed the party of illusions. Many younger people can see the inversions. Those who see use Free Will as it was intended.
The Truth spreads worldwide, gathering unto itself an impressive and quite massive, global resistance made up of people from all walks of life.
The news of these magnificent movements has been kept hidden from the people of the United States. Here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, we have become everything but that. If all Americans understood the wargames within US borders, we would not be where we are. This has been the goal of the enemy all along, destroy a country from within. Nothing has changed if you look at the role the US has played in toppling foreign governments, starting wars with lies… it was always about resources.
Meanwhile here in the US, convenience and comfort beget complacency. Left unchecked we grow accustomed to trusting voices of alleged authority, we even forget how to think for ourselves. We also don’t realize how our empathic natures are being diminished into non-feeling Humans that align with the non critical thinking ones we’ve already become. The new, biodigital transhuman (human 2.0) is what the Mengele’s of modern day are working to engineer. I don’t know many who would want that, knowing the ultimate goal.
Had it not been for the raw courage and selfless spirit of the larger-than-life, snowball rollers who truly love Humankind; Frosty the snowman would have melted due to global warming before cresting the summit as we have.
The fog of war they say, clears when we understand the battlefield, and up until recently we remained true to the story because we did not know any different. And if we did, we refused to acknowledge the huge elephant in the room that has birthed an entire herd.
Every story must come to an end so a new one can begin. This one ends with a punchline.
Truth will obliterate the original lie, and every subsequent one told to support it. Basically, this is has been a scamdemic of staggering proportions, brought to you by _________________. Look at the daily outpouring of evidence and whistleblowers, and then you can fill in the blanks.
1). They are experimental biological gene therapies, not vaXines.
2). They do not stop infection.
3). They do not stop transmission.
4). They do not stop hospitalization.
5). They do not stop death.
6). And they don’t help you to get into heaven either.
We might all do well to note that they were classified as vaXines after they modified the definition. This gives the liability shields that protect everyone except for those who need insurance of safe and effective as has been the claim since day one of the rollout. It is a worldwide experiment - gone wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong.
“American citizens were promised that the COVID-19 mRNA injections would reduce the risk for COVID-19 infection, yet Pfizer submitted data to the FDA stating the opposite of what was promised. The risk for COVID-19 infection and disease doesn’t decrease with mRNA injections, but increases over time with two doses of the harmful mRNA biological injection.”
The quote comes from The Kingston report, which presents evidence based reports and ground breaking news on the CoVid-19 Industry, by Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst with 20+ years of experience.
TNI (trusted news initiative) member companies censor what they label as harmful information, while promoting and elevating information from the CDC, the WHO and Big Pharma. In addition to blocking any opposing view to the “safe and effective” and disproven narrative, informed consent seems to have taken a back seat.
Truth is the greatest problem solver. We’ve lived our lives by a complexity of big lies. Now here comes the avalanche. Better brace for impact.
Om Shanti.
In the news today, several more athletes died suddenly, and then there is this;
I like how you combined the Sisyphus reference to the snowballing effect. That changes Everything!
Excellent essay, thank you for all your efforts.
Soundtrack for this -
Riding Shotgun Down the Avalanche.